For Aisha
Open for adventure

For Aisha, a baby food brand known for its halal offering, wanted to creatively showcase the different flavours and recipes that make up its unique line of products. Using their tagline “Explore. Embrace. Taste.” we were tasked with finding a way to bring this to life through the concept 
of food exploration and how that positively impacts children from an early age.

After researching the benefits of cultural stimulus from an early age, we saw a connecting line across For Aisha’s products in that each recipe gave children the chance to open up their taste buds and explore the world through food. This led us to develop the creative territory ”Open for Adventure” – the idea that when you open up a package of For Aisha, you’re introduced to a whole new world of adventure through taste. This was visualised through a series of colourful illustrations, which included key elements that defined each recipe as well as the fantastical world that could be experienced through that journey.

What I did


Oaty Bars compositions


Illustration Work
